I am what is referred to as a seasoned mom. Meaning, my Wee One's are women in their own right ...or close enough to it. One is fully on her own and the second is not too far behind.
When the girls were little they would surprise me with little oddities, like a heart shaped stone, an unusual piece of sea glass, a box of rolly pollies, or a picture drawn free hand and colored in perfectly.
The best of these gifts came not during a holiday season, or my birthday, or any other significant event. Rather, I was gifted these items out of the blue...just because I happened to be on their mind.
That timing and the words, "for you, mama", are what makes those treasures so special.
The girls are so much older now that I rarely get those little surprises, especially the boxes of rolly pollies. But today I did. From the eldest. She's traveling, seeing the country, listening to weird music by Phish and having the time of her life. Which is why this little gift, with her standing next to a sign that says "Fabulous Texan" and the message "for you mama" means so much. It means, though she's off on her own, enjoying herself and the company of her travel mate, she is still thinking of me and wants me to know it.
I can't think of a single act that would make my day any brighter than the words "For you, Mama". Even after all these years.
How about you? What do your own Wee One's say or do that makes your heart sing?
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